Monday, November 23, 2015

Culinary Goddess: Cold & Flu Tips and Home Remedies

It's that time of year where the days are shorter and darker and the nights are colder - we're hustling and bustling to and from the cold and one central heating system to another and this can wreak havoc on our immune systems, so we need to take extra care of ourselves to try and avoid the sniffles that are bound to do the rounds any minute (if not already).

These are a few tips and tricks that I've come up with over the years that I always abide by as both preventative measures as well as upon first signs of any sniffle symptoms.

You know yourself when you're not feeling great, but usually the signs for myself are feeling a bit headachey or fuzzy headed, sleepy, sinuses a bit blocked and sniffly, throat slightly sore to swallow and just generally run down.


Here's what I do upon first signs and as a prevention;


  • I always add Echinaforce Resistance Drops, which is a herbal remedy, to my multivitamin drink (but you can add it to any liquid) - invest in the large 100ml bottle for €19.45 and it will last you ages.  You can usually find it in Boots, Herbal/Health stores and most good pharmacies - or you can click on the link above/shop around online.  I bought the bottle pictured below around this time last year - I use it quite frequently as a preventative and to help strengthen my immune system, and even though I use 15-20 drops each time, I still have just under half a bottle left - amazing value!

  • Green tea with lemon is my go-to for flushing any toxins (and germs) out of your system and is said to strengthen the immune system. 

  • Drink Actimels - they contain L. Casei Cultures, calcium and essential vitamins to help support the immune system.


  • If you feel that tickle/pain in the back of your throat starting - sip hot water with a couple of tablespoons of honey, a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (stir well) as often as you can.  The honey will soothe your throat naturally and the lemon and cinnamon will aid as a natural detox getting rid of any toxins and germs.  This helps ease tickly coughs, too.

Tyrozets contain antibiotics to fight infection, and anaesthetic to numb the pain.


Strepsils Extra Triple Action Blackcurrant Lozenges also contain anaesthetic to numb the pain, as well as antiseptic to fight bacterial infection.


Tip: try to hold/suck the lozenges towards the back of your mouth (without choking) so as to numb your throat where it hurts, rather than your tongue!

  • Another great tip for the first signs of a sore throat - gargle Listerine frequently to kill any germs or infection - just make sure not to swallow it!

  • Make a habit of washing your hands regularly and using antibacterial gel - especially when out and about, using public transport, handling money and shaking peoples hands - germs galore! 

  • SLEEP! You really need to try and get your 8 hours in, especially when you're feeling run down so that your immune system can try repair and strengthen itself.  Don't feel guilty about constantly wanting to sleep when you're unwell - that's your body trying to tell you to let it do it's job.

What to do when first signs become a full blown dose;

  • If your sniffles have got the better of you, one of the best things I find you can do is get into your PJs, snuggle up in bed or under a blanket on the sofa and have yourself a hot whiskey with honey instead of sugar to further soothe your throat, and a slice of lemon (with or without cloves).  Just make sure to bundle up as it will sweat the dose right out of you, which is the aim! I like to do this every night before bed when I have a bad cold/flu and I find it makes a huge difference and helps me get a great nights sleep too.


  • Let's be honest, when we're feeling crappy we rarely have the energy to go to the shop to buy something nutritious to eat, let alone to cook it - so I usually take a night off and order in.  But rather than just getting junk because it's quick and convenient, I like to make the most of my order and get something hot and spicy from the Chinese to further sweat the dose out of me.


For example, any of the following (and don't be afraid to go as spicy as you can);

- a 3in1
- Salt & Chili Chicken/Chips
- a Spice Bag
- Curry
- And ESPECIALLY, my saviour during times when my nose is blocked and my taste buds are absent: Thai Tom Yum Soup with Chicken - I swear by this when I'm sick.  The spice and chili flakes help clear my head, while the chicken, veg and broth soothe my throat, are easy to swallow and they do whatever it is they're supposed to do in times like this. Plus, hey, nutrition.  Mmm soup.

  • After this, really try your best to get plenty of fresh fruit and veg into your system as they're high in vitamins and nutrients which you need now more than ever.  It's so easy to just be lazy and eat junk when you're feeling terrible, but this will help your immune system get stronger and back on track faster, so it'll be worth it.

  • Along with gargling Listerine at first signs, gargling Disprin when you have a full-blown sore throat can be a great help to ease the pain.


On the Home Stretch;


  • Usually when I'm sick, I take to the bed until I start to feel better.  What emerges tends to resemble a homeless person who hasn't properly washed or even brushed their hair in a few days (ew, I know) - so I love to take a nice, long, hot bath to clear the last of whatever out of my head and have a good scrub.  
Facial saunas are great for clearing your head during a cold too, and your pores will thank you for it as well!

  • Change your bed sheets and duvet, lay out some fresh, clean PJs or clothes and open a window to let in some fresh air and let all the germs out.  I also like to spray the room/house with Dettol disinfectant spray (yes, I'm a bit extreme) - and hopefully by now you're well on your way back to feeling like your healthy self! :)

There you have it, folks! Please remember I'm not a doctor and these are just my own tips and tricks and what works for me when I'm feeling sick and run down.  Hopefully it might be helpful to some of you :)

Be sure to check out for some more great tips and feel free to leave a comment below and share any tips you might have :)

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