Thursday, November 26, 2015

Culinary Goddess: Winter Warmers Recipe - Broccoli & Cauliflower Soup

With the nights longer and colder, we really crave our comfort food.  Something rich and delicious (and preferably nutritious!) to warm us from the inside out!

So this is the first of my 'Winter Warmers' recipes, which will be a series of recipes full of food that does just that. To follow the series, you can click on the 'Winter Warmers' label/tag above or at the bottom of this post :)

This is such a nice, simple and comforting recipe that anyone can enjoy - and for anyone doing Slimming World, it's full of speedy veg too which is a great bonus! :)

**Note** See here and here for some tips & tricks when cooking soup ;)


*Makes 4-5 large portions - I like to make a huge batch (following quantities below) and freeze it in portioned containers to defrost and heat up whenever I need*

  • 1 large head of cauliflower
  • 2 small heads of broccoli
  • 1 large onion (or 2 small), sliced
  • 2 vegetable stock pots
  • 2-4 baby/new potatoes, halved or quartered (I wash them but leave skin on)
  • Handful of brown/wholegrain rice (helps thicken the soup when blended)
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Any herbs you might like (I use basil and oregano)


1) Wash your cauliflower and broccoli, and break them into small florets. 

2) Add the florets, onion and baby/new potatoes to a large pot in layers - i.e. cauliflower, broccoli, onion and potatoes - and season each layer with a little salt, pepper and herbs.

I also threw in some sugar snap peas and spring onion I had left over in the fridge

3) Fill pot to the top with boiling water, ensuring all the vegetables are covered.  

4) Add your vegetable stock pots and your handful of rice, and give a good stir with a large wooden spoon.

5) Slowly bring the pot to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer.

6) Give it another good stir and leave it to simmer away (covered or uncovered) for about 60 mins, stirring occassionally.  You want the veg soft and the rice cooked.  I like to wait until I can easily break apart the cauliflower and broccoli just by poking it gently with the spoon.

7) Remove the pot from the heat and allow to cool slightly (or for a few hours/overnight if you wish) and transfer the mix to a food processor/blender (of course you can also use a hand-held blender).

Excuse the old model!

8) Transfer back to the pot and season to taste.  I like to add a good extra bit of ground black pepper to give it an extra kick of warmth!

9) Divide and heat as needed, and enjoy! :)

Don't forget to check out some of our Culinary Goddess Tips and other Recipes!

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